I am sure that all of us “crazy liberals” are completely aware of the fact that once you post something that is controversial in nature, it WILL be an open arena for all viewpoints, however, using harsh, abrasive language and referring to our President in derogatory terms is at best, ignorant and unimpressive. Being a patriotic person comes with the responsibility of having respect for our commander in chief. President Bush was by far the least qualified, war-mongering, hate filled president we have ever had the misfortune of having, and I still showed him respect simply because of his role as the leader of our country. Which brings me to the actual point, what were to happen to any of us if we were to say something horribly offensive and terribly negative about oh, a status regarding Joseph Smith or about Sarah Palin? That is the problem with claiming that “it’s your right to say whatever you want in an open forum”. I cannot even imagine the storm of bashing I would receive if I was to express my thoughts on certain General Conference videos that I have had to see show up in the news feed a handful of times but still, in order to actually follow through with the crazy notion of freedom of expression and personal speech, I refrain.
Melissa’s post was a positive and wonderful. Why must you belittle her beliefs? I was demonized by many members of my family for *GASP* relaying my belief that no, God should NOT be in the Pledge of Allegiance, the war is justifiable homicide and yes, they entire Republican Party should be prosecuted for war crimes. Where is MY right to freedom of expression without reprisal?
Do we remember the horrible disaster in Haiti? How could we forget? I remember seeing more than one horribly ignorant status update about how (feel free to insert Kentucky-Friend Confederate accent here) “dare we try to help other people when our own country is hurting” Wait a tick….Where are all of you Domestic-aid proponents now? CHILDREN HERE have no healthcare, SENIORS HERE have No HEALTHCARE, and I have NO HEALTHCARE! We can’t promote change without a little sacrifice. Who dictates who is worthy of being healthy?
The quality of care is not the issue here; it is the COST of care. One could turn the “Canadians moving to the US” argument around and wonder then, why so many Americans have revoked citizenship and moved to Canada simply for free healthcare. Am I wrong here? Do people not buy prescriptions off of the internet and have them imported from France, Canada, Spain and Mexico? Are you aware of how expensive Alzheimer’s meds are even WITH insurance in the United States? What about Diabetic testing strips? So it’s okay that there are seniors who have, for the sake of argument, fought in WW2, Vietnam, The Gulf War, what about Operation Blood for Oil and have to choose between Parkinson’s meds and Heat? That’s the repayment they get? Nice logic, especially for being such America loving patriots. What about the soldiers coming home now from Iraq who have no mental health coverage and end up with PTSD and on heroin to disguise the illness?
The American people haven’t been listened to for the last ten years, THAT’s why we are in the mess we are in now, not because the courageous and admirable President Obama has caused any of it. He is the Molly Maid to the keg party of a government we have all had the misfortune of having. 14 million people raised their voice and we saw a change. Complaining about policy isn’t going to do anything. If you don’t agree, get active. Get out and spread awareness for your cause and beliefs. Call your congressman, knock on doors, VOTE, run for office, not belittle the few Americans who do actually go out and create the difference we need. I find it funny that those who failed to vote are in fact, those who complain the most and those who are the most hypocritical.
When exactly was the last time you paid for someone else’s abortion, Jackie? I am rather certain that you have not, and after the bible banging right-wing conservatives get a hold of that freedom, it won’t be an option, I mean they have already followed through with dictating who may and may not get married, fight their wars and whether or not we can use herbal medications, what is going to stop them now? Insurance doesn’t cover them unless in the instance the mother’s life is being threatened, even though said mother is the one paying for her own insurance. Also, you saying you don’t want to pay for people to be in hospitals because of smoking and lifestyle choices? So, should a homosexual man be denied treatment for his HIV due to his ‘lifestyle choice”? Or how about an African American woman who cannot have medical treatments she needs for her sickle cell because of her race? What about someone who gets asthma and other things due to secondhand smoke? Also, for future reference, the term “illegal’s” is incredibly offensive. Just like how you don’t want to be called sweetie, please refrain from using such a disgusting term as that.
I don’t know which medical professionals have been asked about their thoughts on reform, but the many I have asked want nothing in the world than to be able to treat the sick and help to prevent illness throughout the country regardless of caste. It seems to me that those who do not want everyone to have equal care probably have a less that charitable bedside manner. I thought the purpose of being in the field of medicine is to prevent, treat and aid in disease and afflictions of the body and help humanity, not a big paycheck. Alas, I must have been mistaken.
I get no help. I pay taxes, higher than most, actually, and I receive no aid. I didn’t even get a dime of financial aid for SCHOOL. I don’t get a whopping $3000 per spawn come tax time every year. My taxes go to women who have “X” amount of unwanted children, don’t work, have shaky at best parenting skills, do nothing but leach on society and I am denied being able to see a doctor? Not all of us are lucky enough to have a man to take care of us.
How sad is it that a basic freedom such as healthcare has been withheld for so long. Thanks being given to the universe for all of the Ted Kennedys, Barack Obamas and Bill Clintons we have to stand up for the real voices of America, and not cave into the tyrannical intimidations of the Republican conservatives.
PS- Elderly are denied coverage on cancer treatments because more often than not, said treatments actually do more harm than good and usually kill the patients. Most families opt out of radiation, but FYI Medicare actually does cover palliative radiation, so that point is somewhat irrelevant.
PPS- Medicaid, CHIP and food assistance are all examples of socialized programs.
Monday, March 22, 2010
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